Wednesday, October 22, 2008

RCGF 65cc - In the Bushes

Ok... Here is something you don't see everday.... Look carefully...Tommie J. from Missouri sent this pic to me recently.

Tommie is hovering his 30% Yak (85" wingspan, 17 lbs or 7.7kg). He is not hovering above the bushes.. He is actually IN the bushes.

Tommie belongs in that special class of modelers - we all know that class - the fliers that are so confident of their skill and equipment, that any fear of loss of everything is not an issue...only the challenge of personal skills and ultimate accomplishment... Yup...and above is the proof.

I talked with Tommie and he loves putting himself in situation that extend his skills base. This particular pic was taken, he says, " To show the capability of the RCGF 65cc engine in an extreme circumstance".

I think that he has proven his point, and I am looking forward to his next challenge!

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